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More Medical Humor Sites - Community guides, events, and business directories for Butler County, PA and surrounding neighborhoods with links to local Web sites. Plus general categories for hunting, fishing, camping, humor, recipes, inspiration, 100's of Jokes & Cartoons, and more.

Q Fever - A medical humor and satire website for healthcare professionals.

Alternative Medical Dictionary - Humorous definition of terms from A to Z.

Diet, Health, Fitness and Medical Cartoons - Medical cartoons for newsletters, presentations, seminars, and advertising. Sorted by topic.

Doctor Doctor Jokes - Hospital Jokes and more - Nine pages of "Doctor Doctor"-type jokes.

Doctor Jokes - Medical jokes from the people at Humor Vault which includes 90 pages of jokes. - Medical jokes arranged by popularity or served at random.

A Doctor's Blooper List - Medical bloopers, humor, videos and jokes.

ER-Experience - Funny tales from doctors, nurses, and patients hospitals and clinics. Visitors can submit their own stories.

Favorite Doctor Jokes - Includes doctor jokes. All on one page. Includes stories, short jokes and an alternative medical dictionary.

Humor Page : Medical - Includes medical humor and jokes including lists and stories.

Jerry's Emergency Medical Humor Pages - A medical humor site written by a paramedic. Includes humor pages such as "You may be a firefighter if...." and two "stupid" questions FAQ pages.

Kingdom Labs - Disturbing spoof of online pharmaceutical vendors, satirising commercial drug culture.

Managed Care Jokes - Jokes, cartoons poking fun at managed care and the business side of medicine.

Medical Cartoons - Cartoons by David Cooney.

Medical Humor - A small collection of medical jokes.

Medical Jokes - About doctors, dentists, psychiatrists, and riddles.

Medical Jokes - A collection of medical humor, including funny stories, jokes, and links

Medical Jokes - A collection of medical and doctor jokes.

Mediclicks - Medical Cartoon Archive - Features a collection of medical cartoons.

MedIndia - Medical Humor - Medical jokes, satire, newspaper misprints and cartoons.

MPN Medical Humor and Cartoon Directory - Medical jokes, doctor jokes and cartoons sorted into categories by medical specialty. - Diabolical plastic surgery for the stars.

Nurse and Medical Cartoons - Original humorous illustrations pertaining to the medical professions. Artwork may be licensed for use elsewhere.

Personal Observations on Life as a Paramedic - A site based on 15 years of experience as a paramedic on the ground in the air and at sea.

Profession Jokes : Doctors - Contains humor specific to the doctoring profession. All on one page. Includes lists, lightbulb jokes and Doctor Doctor jokes.

Quacks�s Medical World - Funny cartoons and animations in color from the medical world.

Rx Laughs - Weekly cartoons poking fun at the retail pharmacy industry with archives dating to 1997.

Seniors Guide To Health - Old people funny jokes.

TheLaughWeb - Medical Humor - Medical jokes and cartoons.

To Be or Not to Be - Subtitled "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Barium Enema".

Viagra Humor - Features jokes and cartoons on the popular drug.

VirtualPox - Make your buddies ill - send them anything from a nose bleed to the plague.

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